Biodiesel is a completely natural, renewable fuel applicable in almost any situation where conventional petroleum diesel is used. Even though “diesel” is part of its name; three are no petroleum or other fossil fuels in biodiesel. Biodiesel is 100% vegetable based. Nonedible tree borne oilseeds (TBOs) are Jatropha curcas (Ratan jot), Pongomia pinnata (Karanja), Mahuca indica (Mahua), Azadirachta indica (Neem) and Simarouba glauca (Simarouba) can be used as biofuel directly or after processing.
India offers a great potentiality for bio-fuels production due to its predominance in farm sector, which can promote non-edible oil production with an optimistic estimate of 25 million tonnes of oil from 10 M ha, a national policy of 200 m tonnes oil per year from 80 m ha land can be easily achieved. Such an approach would certainly help in bringing economic and ecological sustainability in the farm sector of our country which is urgently required.
Environmental benefits
- Biodiesel reduces emission of carbon monoxide (CO) by approximately 50% and carbon dioxide by 78.45% In addition, the carbon in biodiesel emission is recycled from carbon that was already in the atmosphere, rather than being new carbon from petroleum
- Biodiesel contains less aromatic hydrocarbons: benzofluranthene: 56%; Benzopyrenes: 71%
- It also eliminates sulfur emissions (SO2) because biodiesel doesn’t include sulfur
- Biodiesel reduces by as much as 65% the emission of particulates (small particles of solid combustion products)
- Biodiesel does produce more NOx emissions than petrodiesel, but these emissions can be reduced through the use of catalytic converters. Petrodiesel vehicles have generally not included catalytic converters because the sulfur content in the fuel destroys the devices, but biodiesel does not contain sulfur
- It has a higher catane rating (less knocking) than petro diesel
Extracted from Agrigold Swarna Sedyam
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