It is in the course of man's history, the use of honey has been a phenomenon, some have a logical basis whether this was not understood or not, some had none. The honey is generally consumed as table honey. Of the estimated annual world consumption of honey, 90% is taken directly as honey. Amongst the Hindus, honey is an important item in Puja and is given as the first food to the newborn. Jews use it in preparing special cakes and Catholics prepare meat.
- It has prophylactic and curative properties.
- Honey improves physical performance and intellectual strength in human beings. It may be recalled that an apiculturist Edmund Hillary was the first person to conquer Mount Everest in 1953 along the Tenzing.
- Due to the higher content of sugars, honey is an energy giving food, par excellence.
- Honey cures or provides relief in intestinal troubles, stomach ulcers, insomnia, throat infections.
- It increases the hemoglobin content in the blood and as well as the muscular strength. Also acts as a blood purifier.
- It activates bone formation and cutting of teeth in children.
- It has a slightly laxative effect
- Honey hastens healing of wound, burns and sores when used externally.
- It is effective against jaundice, urinary troubles and itching through intravenous injections.
- It regularizes the heart rate.Honey's use also extends in bakeries and confectioneries in the preparations of ginger bread, nougats, infant foods etc. The cosmetic uses of honey dates from early times. Nero's wife Poppea used honeyalong with ass's milk as face lotion. Honey is still valued in cosmetics today, particularly for its emollient effect on the skin. Bee keeping is a useful hobby in urban areas and has commercial value for small and marginal farming community. The value and quality of honey depend on the locality of the bee colony. The honey bee colony located near spice crops and medical plant garden provides honey with medicinal value. The colony placed near the tree crops viz., neem, eucalyptus can be harvested honey with good quality and ayurvedic properties.
Apart from the above, honey bees also play a significant role in terms of productivity of various crops. It is an important pollinator for cross-pollinated crop plants. Unknowingly the bees are involved in the pollination of the several cultivated species and without the creatures there will be no seed set and productivity in several crops. Maintaining honey bee colony in the farm lands particularly in hilly regions having diversity of crops such as ornamental flowers, spices, condiments and plantation crops not only yield quality honey but also improves the productivity and yield of the crops.
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